Good Morning Light Worker peeps!
New energy has been coming in as huge roiling waves of sonic vibration that ebb and flow.
You may be feeling it as an uneasy feeling or not feeling centered or even a sense of dread that you can't put your finger on.
The waves come and go and I am not sure when one will hit.
We all feel them at different times, depending on lots of factors.
When I tune into this new energy, I sense major changes are coming for us all.
This energy is a re balancing energy that is meant to create a new playing field and in doing so, to give the players (humans) a chance to make the field more equally distributed.
They are showing me a new & completely rearranged world after the changes are complete.
For illustration purposes--as if Earth was a flat board and all of a sudden the board was flipped and tilted so that everything was sent flying and tumbling to new places on the board.
Everything is shaken up and nothing is where it was before.
Because of this extreme shake up, people are not in their "normal" and comfortable places any longer.
They have been thrown in with new people, in new situations, new environments and can no longer use their same old thinking, values, judgments to move forward or to live as they once did.
Imagine waking up in a different culture, like Egypt and finding that your behavior doesn't match this culture so you must adapt and quickly.
They show me the board being flipped and everyone flying and tumbling.. this to force humanity to accept wholesale change.
They are not dictating what needs to be changed - they are simply giving us all the chance for a redo.
Much like when you decide to roll the dice again because you want a chance for a better outcome.
I hear that they want to "scramble" our society so that everyone can have a chance to change positions.
As I am seeing this, I see that those that don't have much, the poor and the isolated ones on Reservations and rural areas, will not be as affected by this sea change.
This seems to be a change that will be felt more by the populated cities and states.
It too late to try to avoid this. It is already in action. It will come in waves until enough change is happening to satisfy some universal scales.
The waves of change energy can manifest in many ways - all of which have the power to make us humans wake up and take notice that we need to be doing most everything differently.
Yes, Covid 19 is one of the change waves. Notice that the states that have not changed their habits are still experiencing the virus?
These change waves could last for years, and may get more intense with each one depending on our actions.
In the coming months expect vibrational events like earthquakes.
Also, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, and even bizarre weather we have not seen before - where two different disasters strike at the same time in the same place.
In some ways, it seems to want to equalize the vibration.
There are many lessons to be learned.
Mostly, we will be thrown in together with people that are different than we are and forced to work together to get through these events.
Sadly, we will also experience violence from our fellow humans.
Forcing more self and societal awareness and healing.
Wow, I did not sit down to write this message.
So gloomy and sad.
But I guess this is what needed to be brought to our attention.
I am a fixer type person, so I am asking them what you can do to avoid this or to lesson the effect of it.
They have been saying the following to me for months:
They describe this time like a wackamole game.
If you pop up and stand up, you will be likely get whacked.
They suggest that we go with the flow.
Duck, bob weave as the energy flows around you.
It's complicated and this post is really too long as it is....
But suffice it to say that if you are reading this, you are a light worker.
We need every last one of us to be ready to help as people go through this time.
And especially need you after the change energy is completed.
So, please "ground" yourself. Its not wise to get caught up in the energy right now.
As far as your family and friends that may be participating in the whackamole experience - the energy suggests that you will be able to stop them.
As hard as it may be, the best thing is to step back a little and give them space to experience this for themselves.
You don't know what their soul contract is... they may be doing the exact thing they are supposed to be doing to play their part in the change energy scenario.
It is likely that we all will be affected by this change energy in some way or another.
I can see some pretty trying scenarios that may be coming.
And you can imagine for yourself how big an event would be to make for wholesale change in the U.S. and the world.
But, our role is to not get whacked (too bad) so that we can be healthy, and whole (emotionally- empaths!) to be able to help others when the time comes.
So while others may be protesting, or victims of a disaster -- sickness or experience economic hardship... we are not suggesting that you hide from the change energy and not experience any hardship.
You're (very important) job is to stay out of the turmoil to the degree you can control and take measures to keep your energetic body healthy and safe.
During this time it will be important to double down on meditating, grounding and self care.
And if you feel that you have to do something more- learn energy management. Learn Reiki, Sound Healing, Crystal work, Tarot, Oracle Cards, Automatic Handwriting, Pendulum work, Scrying and any other spiritual learning.
As an Empath, please be on guard and do not take on humanity's sadness, grief or anger into your energy.
The same with family and friends that might be experiencing trouble during this time. This is very important.
I truly hope that this message helps prepare you in some way and in fact gives you hope for the changes that so dearly need to be had on this Earth.