But what is not so obvious is that we have been "dealing" with the stress thinking that things would be back to "normal" by now.
Well, they aren’t, and they are never going back to the old normal.
That is a pisser.
I did not even know I was going to write that.
But that is what “they” are saying. And frankly, they have been saying that for months- I just didn't believe them... 😮
The Guides are saying is that we have to find a way to a new normal.
No more putting off things until this or that is over.
Take precautions- but also get off your butt & do things.
Get outside where Mother Nature can heal you.
Take time breathing the air, feeling the sunshine, listening the sounds of nature and let it really sink in.
This is a LONG haul we are on.
The guides often give people advice in readings to take care of themselves while they are going through a rough spot... because once you come out of it... you'll want to be healthy and ready to really ENJOY life.
If you do not take care of yourself during these times, you will not be in any shape to celebrate having made it through them.
Self-care is critical!
Take a walk, read a book, puzzles, sing, dance, garden, time with pets, videos do a hobby for 15 -30 minutes every day.
When things get back to the new normal... you will want to be ready to enjoy them won't you?
Then now is the time to start!
Susan Lynn
Psychic + Medium
Susan Lynn
Psychic + Medium