Everyone has spirit guides! They are here to help you on your life journey.
Here are some interesting things about your guides:
👉🏻You can have more than one main guide
👉🏻Your spirit guides have been human before , that's how they can help you in this lifetime- they understand your travails as a human.
👉🏻If you haven't incarnated here for very many lives, you may also have a guide that is from your particular planet to guide you as well.
👉🏻You can also ask for "helper or special " guides. They can help you with anything, from losing weight to a new job, remodeling your house or with your spiritual awakening process. All you have to do is ask.
👉🏻 Your "higher self" is part of you that always stays 👆🏻 there, but is also open to helping you. Your higher self is the part of you that is closest to God.
👉🏻 It's still best to work with your spirit guide team on earthly issues and go to your higher self for healing, or to understand your soul path here on earth.
👉🏻Your spirit guides are more likely to communicate with you and do so using signs, symbols, songs, thoughts. dreams and even other people!
Hope this helps you understand your spirit guides role in your life better!
Susan Lynn
Psychic Medium