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Manifesting made easy... er


This is the big question everyone wants to know how to do! I recently, had a client that really wanted to know how to win the lottery.

In all seriousness.

So let's take deeper look at this kind of energy. Can anyone win the lottery, or do you have to match the vibration of winning the lottery, or just exactly how does one win the lottery? As you might have guessed there are many factors that influence whether you can win the lottery.

First, is it in your life plan? If it is, you will consider yourself a generally "lucky" person. If it isn't you may tell people that you aren't lucky, so why bother buying a ticket?

This article is for those unlucky souls!

I can't promise that you will win the lotto after reading this, but I can tell you that your life can change for the better pretty quickly. And that this will draw to you people, situations, opportunities and more abundance that will make you believe in LUCK! 🍀

The Universe (our energetic parent) wants us to express our soul at the highest level. You can think of it as everything here in our world is "set up" for that to get you a "prize" if your vibration matches up with higher vibrations!

It's true, when you match a higher vibe, you are connected to higher vibe people, opportunities, and yeah even money if that is what your intention is.

The universe does not consider money to be bad ort low vibration.

To it, money has the same vibration as a tree. It's what humans give the energy to that makes it so. If tomorrow, we all started thinking of brown rocks as having a high value, we would all run out and find us some.

So to be in alignment with monetary abundance, you first have to check in and see what your relationship with money is.

Do you often think you don't have enough? Do you think that people that have loads of money are jerks? Do you think you'll never have a million dollars? Do you think that you'll always have to work really hard for your money? Do you think you have to be careful with your money?

These kind of thoughts create blocks around you receiving money and other types of goodies too.

5 Steps to take to start changing your energetic vibration to money

  1. Identify blocks ( having lots of money is bad, I will never have money in this lifetime etc) , I have to be very careful with my money, I can't seem to get ahead.

  2. Start telling your self the opposite of your pre conceived ideas around money. "lots of people I admire have tons of money" "I feel my energy & mindset shifting to a more positive attitude about my finances" "I feel calm & easy around the idea of money coming to me."

  3. Raise your vibration on the daily. Our vibration naturally goes up and down as we go through our day. But we can change the scale our vibration operates within. Think of a piano and only hearing the low notes

played. By raising your vibration, you are going to hear more higher notes and fewer lower notes.

  1. You can begin to change your vibration by being aware of how you talk to and support yourself. Watch how to talk to yourself in your own mind, and catch and replace any negative self talk with positive self talk. Be your own cheerleader! Make sure to give yourself lots of positive reinforcement for every little thing you do that is right. This is where you can identify a hidden block. If you think you should not cheerlead for yourself or that you should not give yourself a pat on the back for doing something simple, then this is the BEST place to start! We are taught as kids that we shouldn't pat ourselves on our own backs. That it will make us egotistic, but if self-confidence isn't learned when we are kids, we need to teach ourselves this important habit or we'll suffer the consequences of a low vibration which will reduce our happiness and our potential as well as limit our abundance.

  2. Everything in the Universe is free. It is only us that puts a cost on it. Why not remove the price tag for the things you want and know that they are there for you. All you have to do is match the vibration of what you want. You may manifest a slightly different looking thing that you wanted, but that is spirit giving you what you need instead!



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